Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Darkness...but for whom?

Cold, empty and blind. Like an all consuming succubus.  Day feels like night, though sometimes I wish it actually was night so i could just wake up and pray it's all a nightmare and a new day is here.  I find myself feeling like I'm trapped in a cold dark cave all alone with no light.  These feelings used to be very frequent.  Once in a while they arise, but then I see my incredible little girl.  She is my light.  One would imagine being a single mom to a handicapped little girl would be the hardest thing.  It's not.  Or is it?

Here's what frustrates me most about all the crap that involves Ryan.  I have to spend so much damn time obtaining documents for my attorney or planning on hearings or finding info out that I feel like it takes away from my most important focus: My daughter.  for example, today I only had to work the dinner shift.  So i was excited to play games with Addi and give some much needed attention.  But no, i had to spend my time discovering more lies made by her useless "dad." And yes, I HAD to do this.  I don't waste my time looking for things.  My time is consumed by ensuring Addison is well taken care of in every aspect.  But when Ryan claims he needs proof that Addison is disabled in order to continue Cobra coverage ans says the only way to do this is by an SSI form, then work has to be done.  Of course I provided him everything I could over a month ago, but i'm still being harassed. back when all this came up i told him to call Addison's primary doctor to obtain a letter.  he claimed they wouldn't do it and that it had to be SSI.  So what do you think I did? I called Cobra of course. It DOESN'T has to be an SSI form. it CAN be from her doctor.  So i called her doctor. and of COURSE she could do it!!!  Maybe this doesnt sound like a big deal to you, but it's constant. Not to mention, it costs me money in legal fees because ryan hides behind his attorney to do his arguing.. 

Wait, did I say Ryan? yeah....about that.  Here's what youve all been waiting for.  The crazy shit.  

Dave, Ryan's dad, has decided to moonlight as his son.  That's right.  In fact, did you know you can trace any email? It's super easy.  So, for quite some time, I traced every single one from "Ryan." he lives in Utah. so how come they all came from his dads office in Tampa or his dads house in Apollo beach?  And lets not forget how crazy Ryan is.  He can't put any thoughts together so the emails are very different.  It's more than obvious when his dad writes them.  But hey, writing emails on behalf of your pschopath son isn't THAT bad, right? Well, how about calling Addison's doctors' office, telling them you are Ryan, Addison's dad, and instructing them to remove the mothers address from the account and replacing it with.....you guessed it! DAVE'S!!! Not criminal enough for ya? Man you're a tough crowd to please... OK how about this one??..

I have been awarded with Sole parental responsibility and sole decision making.  Basically meaning, i do it all, decided it all, Ryan just gets supervised visitation once a month and has to pay child support and carry addisons primary insurance coverage. Basically, not anything parental or responsible about it. So, as the only ones who cares for Addison I should certainly have access to said insurance, correct? DUH. For a year, Ryan has denied me the available online log in to her insurane. This is because they are on the same plan and I would see his info as well.  I couldnt care less about his! I already know he's nuts! Anyways, after a recent, VERY long hearing, our judge said he had better give me the log in.  So he did.  But wait, who do you think is listed as the contact on there? DAVE.  So just in case I've lost you...Dave has access to my daughter's info but I don't? Well, I don't recall ever giving permission for that... So of course, I removed him.  But what do you think happend next? Oh yes, the mother of Addison, the one who has all the rights and is the only one who cares for her, gets removed and replaced by Dave again. 

Um, does anyone else find this Orange jumpsuit worthy??? Yeah, it is indeed criminal.  He has violated a court order, violated my daughters' HIPPA rights and lets not forget fraud and forgery.  

So, back to where we began.  Above is just a snapshot of the minussa I deal with oh-so-regularly.  So you can see why I have a hard time saying that it's hard to parent a handicapped child when i am constantly clouded by immoral beings that only live to violate laws and make attempts to harm me.  They think that they will just keep litigating this case until they have bled myself and my family dry of financial resources.  Well I have news for you, the court has most recently ordered that they pay attorney fees to me.  It's more than clear that ALL these hearing that have been had, and money spent has stemmed from them.  Frankly, all they care about is "winning" something or beating me. Whatever.

I don't have any darkness anymore. None at all in fact. Dealing with all that shit is most certainly annoying.  But what do I have?  I have a daughter.  I have a beautiful one that tells me evey single day that she loves me.  That begs me not to go to work because she will miss me.  I get to see her little cherub face every day.  I get to hold her and enjoy what being a parent is all about.  This is life.  I never knew my purpose in life until she entered into it.  I've never felt so much joy.  halloween used to be about finding an awesome costume and going to the best parties.  Now I'm far more excited about finding Addison the costume she really wants and just seeing the smile on her face when she's had the best time ever.  Not being a part of that...THAT'S darkness.