Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chapter 5

It's February 1st. I just dropped Addison off with her father for the day. I've seriously had the most awful thoughts go through my head. I don't think him or his parents would do anything bad to her, but I just don't know. I mean, how is ryan and his brother so messed up? They were both raised mostly by their mother. The dad was in the army and constantly gone. The brother has an addiction to oxycontin and has allegedly taken a knife to his parents. Ryan has now been in jail three times in the past 4 years. The first time was for downloading and distribution of child pornography. The second was for a failed drug test while on probation. He smoked pot. The third time was this past September for 33 days. He stayed in jail because he wasn't allowed to be near children under the age of 18. He was still on probation and never informed his probation officer that he had a child. So basically he falsified documents to the court. He was also soliciting prostitution on craigslist. How am I not to blame his mother? Children are a product of their parents. People are constantly pointing out how happy Addison always is. I pride myself in the way I am raising her. I plan on keeping her happy and healthy an preventing anything bad from happening to her as best I can. So what on earth did Ryan's mother do to screw up her kids so bad? And now, today, my little girl is in these people's possession. Yes, I am freaking out a little.

Not to mention, every time I see Ryan I just want to vomit. I sent him an extremely long e-mail 2 weeks ago informing him of everything he needed to pick up for Addison while he has her. He called me last night asking what he needed to get. What the heck? I gave him two weeks! And it was all written down! Does this sound like someone who is ready to care for a child? I'm going with no.


  1. I hope i'm not being too forward here, but have you ever thought of getting full custody of Addison and getting her the hell away from that piece of shit?
    You are such an awesome person Jenn, and Addy is going to grow up being as strong, smart, and beautiful as her mother is. Ryan is only going to cause trouble along the way, none of which you or that gorgeous little girl need. I hope I'm not being too aggressive in this line of thinking. He just pisses me off so much.

  2. Ha ha you crack me up tiff! You are not being forward at all. I'll take any advice! I am actually doing for sole custody. It's just been one hell of a battle. Unfortunatly the court has new family laws. They want both parents involved no matter what. He just took a psycho sexual exam so if the results of that say he shouldn't be near a child then I'll have sole custody. Otherwise he will probably get to see her it will just be supervised. I have recently discovered that he is an actual sociopath as well as his parents, so trust me, I want them out of our lives too!
