Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 7: An update

It's been quite awhile since I've posted so I figure I better do so before the next post is a novel.

Let's start with Addison.  We went up to Boston February 14th and 15th to  meet with a few doctors and get some tests done.  Day one started off pretty crazy.  I had not heard for certain whether or not Ryan was going to be attending these appointments until at 8:30 in the morning I recieved a text from him saying he wanted to meet up to make sure we ended up in the same place. Dammit. So him and his father Dave ended up showing at her first appointment which was with a doctor to look at her hands.  Addison has what is called Hypoplastic thumbs.  Basically her thumbs did not form properly.  One of them is much larger than the other and one is much stronger.  This doctor suggested that Addison has surgery to strengthen them.   He referred us to a surgeon in Tampa. At this point the docor wrote the referral and Ryan immediaty snached the paper from his hand proclaiming that he would be calling to make an appointment for Addison.  The doctor said goodbye and left the room. From then on all hell broke loose.  I informed ryan that I would be the one making the appointment since I always have and since he does not have Addison.  That basically led into an argument which resulted in nearby doctors overhearing and me having to call security. 

So Addison had 2 more appointments to attend that day.  When I arrived at the first of the two, I spoke with the receptionist and informed her that I had a conversation with the head of security and that she was to give him a call.  Of course Ryan and his dad were sitting right there and heard the conversation...which honestly was quite amusing.  Ryan came up to me and asked what was going on.  He then told me that his lawyer told him if he feels uncomfortable at all at any point that he should just leave.  So he tells me that he is leaving.  I toldhim to go right ahead but pointed out what a shame it is that he can't put his daughter before himself.  So he stayed.  We then sat in the waiting room.  Two minutes later, security came and asked to speak with me.  I went into a separate room where there was one security guard and one undercover cop.  They wanted to know what exactly had happened at addison's last appointment but had already heard a bit because the doctor had called him as well.  They told me that they were basically too busy to have a guard at the rest of Addison's appointments but that they would be letting the staff know to keep an eye on Ryan. 

I left and went back into the waiting room where ryan and Dave sat shocked.  dave asked me what was going on and wanted to know why there was an undercover cop carrying a gun. HA HA. I simply said i didn't feel safe being alone with them after their behavior at the previous appintment.  So, Dave eventually tracked down security and had a talk with them.  I have no idea what was said but I don't think it mattered. 

The rest of Addison's appointments for the day went well.  She saw physical therapy and occupational therapy.  The occupational was to see how well she uses her fingers and hands and to learn new exercises to do with her to strengthen her hands. They also made her a little cast that she has to wear at bedtime that would help straighten her wrist.  Hers is a little curved.  Physical therapy wanted to see how Addison moves around and test her abdominal strength.  Tha appointment couldn't have gone better.  They said that everything I have been doing with her has been great and to keep it up.. The were surprised that she was even getting around the way that she is :)

The next day Addison had an MRI.  This was done from the waist down to see exactly what she has.  I just found out the results to this a couple weeks ago.  Brace yourself.
Addison as most of you know was pretty much born without femurs (thigh bones).  Her left side has a tiny tiny bit of one.  Her right side has none at all.  In addition to that, her right hip did not form.  She also has clubbed feet.  They point straight down as if she were wearing ballet slippers.  So hear's the deal.  We were thinking of fixing her feet so that she could at least try to walk on them.  Problem is, he rlegs are very different in length.  And because she does not have a right hip there isn't enough to support weight on that side.  Also, it's her tendons and muscles that are pulling her feet back the way that they are.  So if we were to fix them now, they would just grow back that way over time.  So it would just end up being an unneccessary surgery.  The doctor that reviewed her MRI actually had the opportunity to go over it with about a dozen doctors from all over the world.  They all seemed to agree that we should wait and see how Addison progresses over time.  Any surgery done now would and could only just harm her and cause additional suffering. So, as far as we know Addison will be bound to a wheelchair. For the time being though, i am going to get in contact with Arnold Palmer Hospital and have her meet with prothstetics so Addison could at least try to stand and just put her weight on one side.  As for her hands, we met with the surgeon in Tampa and he feels there is no need for surgery. Thank God.

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